One: The Dance of Ice and Water

He contrasted the snow to the cold numbness contained inside of him. It consumed him until crippled with wrath within, he broke free against the tide.

Downward toward the shore line he froze. Ice and water danced a slow mix...for the irony he saw, it was he who had turned into ice, melted by the fury inside of him and rippled back into the ocean of wilderness.

Harrison knew this familiar feeling would fade yet return one day. A periodical of recycling pain and pleasure. This was his Qumran. A dry vast space that once was filled with magical splendor. A richness close to significant artifacts. Yet conquered by a force only attainable by brute malice. A pilgrimage would not even dare be proud.

The sound of the unknown still kept him awake. The promise that dawn would rise a new dream to be fulfilled was gone in an instant.

But Qumran was an oasis compared to the reality of his own homeland.
Two: Frozen Isolation

He knelt before the King of Judgment. The King had sworn him to a life sentence of isolation. Banishment from the Land would do no good for the misery he brought upon his people is consequential enough to serve him to lepers. However the King of Judgment is rational to thought and kind to heart. It broke Harrison that his sentence was too restrained.

He knew that his actions would be of momentous disaster yet he succeeded in letting down the natives of the Land. 

It was the wrong time and place to be thinking of it. After all, it was done.  The unswerving nefarious act had been prepared.

Regret bears no pillar. Remorse laughs in his face. Intent had grappled Harrison until he fell with desperation.

Isolation made his thoughts scream in the darkness. He kept thinking of that exact moment.

The intensity of the emotions attached to what he'd done, yet there was no poetic justice.

It was his only weakness. \

It floated.

It drifted.

It sank eventually.

Sank in to the depths of the magicians hat.

The unknown remained questioned.

Was it all just an illusion?









To Harrison it was either that or traveling through time on a steam train with no destination. 

Three: The Sun

Harrison came back to the present. Snow tipped sand on the shore line. Memory was a siren which called for redemption. Cold and fading into nothingness.  Ice and water danced a slow mix...for the irony he saw it was he who had turned into ice, melted by the fury inside of him and rippled back into the ocean of wilderness.

And there it was.

Harrison was dripping with shame.

Wet with disgust. Frozen in his head.

"You did what you needed to do at the cost of your pride"

Harrison was dumbfounded. And couldn't respond.

"There's no space for a sympathetic take back. You did what you needed to. Welcome to the flood. Welcome to the first day of the last of your grief"

Harrison was despondent. 

The stars were angry that night. The moon would have never been able to see such profanity either.

The sun was therefore oblivious by that time of calling. The sun knew nothing and it was better that way. The sun was in the dark. At least the light could still be there for him after his actions, sweet oblivion. After all, it was the light that drove him to darkness after all. For the dark in him, made him see the light in her.           

Four: Golden Surrender

Harrison remembered what Faith the Great once taught him.

Faith told him to pick up a gold coin. Hold it in his hand real tight with his palm facing the earth. Arm stretched out. And then to let go of that which he most treasured.

The gold fell to the ground. He couldn't hold on to what he most valued.

Faith told him to the pick up the gold coin. Once again, told him to hold on tightly to the coin. Arms stretched out.

This time with your palms facing the heavens.

Now to let go.

The treasure was still within his reach.

He carried that gold coin close to his heart as a reminder of how easy it could just be lost to him.

It was not the value of the gold. It was the value in its lesson.

Harrison took out the gold coin and offered it to it.

"You are a fool if you can think that you can redeem what you had committed.

Harrison still not had said a word to it.

"My good friend, don't you see that you are forsaken from your misdoing now that I am still alive?"

Harrison hoped that this opium dream was going to end as fast as it begun. But hope was what destroyed him in the start. It was at deadly as fear itself.

Five: P.R.A.V.D.A

Reckoning was knocking on his door.

Demanding his exposure. Demanding a call to end this eon of sinking into the bones of betrayal and hiding within the blood of Evil.

There was no choice. He had to come clean.

"I did it because you were my biggest threat," said Harisson. "The very powers you earned would see me to my eventual grave. I couldn't be matched to that. I had to eliminate the forces that would lead me to a mire of cacophony. I needed to be best. I did it for me."

“You were misled by your desires young fool,’’ was the response by it.

“I only desired what my passion led me to believe,’’ said Harrison.

‘‘….Passion? What is this passion?” it questioned.

“It was what willed me and consumed me to end all that I know you to be in my head, in my heart, in my dreams, in my ego, in my soul, in my subconscious mortality.’’

It stood in silence. It bellowed a half-effortted cry.

“This truth is what will kill me. Not your actions of the past.’’ It said.

“No,’’ said Harrison. ‘‘Your ability not to handle the truth will kill you, and yes it is I who had fuelled it. Let me be. Go back to your darkness and leave me behind. Don’t hold me prisoner in your mighty beckoning.
I am your thoughts that you kept buried inside. You brought me to life. Every time your mind spoke of angst, disgust and profound negativity, it was the umbilical feeding that created me. The irony is that I am the most beautiful thing in this universe am I not? Your most ugly and death defying thoughts that you killed, that you murdered and tortured has now given birth to the extraordinary. I am the embodiment of your pain and your pleasure. Your sick twisted cycle of seeking the darkness, taking refuge in the dry oasis of a land made of doubt. Your inner most shameful secrets. You desire me. I am your fantasies. You give me attention in the dark. You give me attention when you are all alone. You only know me when you are in trouble. I am both your mistress and lover. Your affair with voluptuous memory was with me. Your reckoning with marvelous irrationality was with me. You call out to me so sweetly, to tender, so pure. You thirst for me. You hunger for my appeal. You get lost in my eyes of black and emerald. You dress me in red and to kill me with silver.

I am the beauty in your rage.’’ 

Six: Fin

She would consume him once again, until he could break free against the crippled tide of wrath within. For now it was a journey to free him from her. His mind.

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